Designed for aiming a man- portable antitank grenade launcher RPG-7 and its modifications during direct fire. The sight provides accurate fire with projectiles PG-7V, PG-7VL and PG-7VLT.
There are side correction marks on the optical scale – left and right, up to 0-50 (artillery thousandths) with step 0-10 (artillery thousandths). The long range scale allows to be determined distances to targets with 2.7 meter base.
Available illumination system for operation under low visibility conditions (in dusk and night).
2,7 x – Magnification
13° – Field of view
28″ – Resolution
27 mm – Exit pupil distance
4,5mm – Exit pupil diameter
-50°C to + 50°C – Operational temperature range
0,6 kg – Weight
140 x 180 x 62 mm – Dimensions
Battery CR 1/3N 3V – Supply power sources